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  • Ana Muresan

2//CCR: engagement and distribution

By creating the proper mix of visual and message content our product engages with the target audience who appreciates this type of out-of-the-box visual content, as there are few products like this on the market.

Printed media has been flooded for years with unrealistic standards, up to the point where it becomes embedded in people's minds and in the image of printed media and its identity. Therefore Flair magazine, positioning itself as an honest, modern and realistic means of content, makes us not only an atypical magazine but also an avanguard changing point in the way media is being used and consumed.

Regarding distribution, being a digital and physical media product, Flair has two ways of media distribution. We plan to release a physical Flair magazine issue every month, but for our digital subscribers we offer more frequent and up-to-date articles and editorials available for consumption on our blog and social media. In this way, we can advertise both types of content, both physical and digital. Digitally, we would only post parts of interviews or parts of editorials, and convince the audience to buy the physical magazine in order to read the full stories or articles. Same thing would go for advertising and promoting digital content, at the end of the physical magazine we could have a page listing our social media and persuading people to subscribe.



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