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  • Writer's pictureAna Muresan


Overall, I like the design - it's simple and clean, I like the paper/sketchbook feeling that I created with this design by using an overlay over my original picture. I also like the font I used to write "virago", I feel like it matches the look and double meaning of the word.

However, I think i could've developed my concept a little more, I could have kept it colourful and added all the digital aspects that I loved when looking at other CD's (distortions, filters, interesting fonts and effects). As an overall goal for next time, I want to get more out of my confort zone, and not be afraid to try unconventional things and effects on my pictures. I really hope to bring out the more creative side of me in the magazine and the photoshoots for the magazine. I'm looking forward to working on something that challenges and intrigues me. I think where i went wrong, was that I researched too much and looked at too many examples of other people's work, thus limiting my own imagination and ideas.



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