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  • Ana Muresan

7// major task- characters

When looking for characters to star in our music video, we wanted to go for someone close to our age in order to accurately represent the youthful, mysterious, indie pop vibe we were going for.

We decided for the main character to be our team member, Antonia Iaroi, who we feel will fit the role perfectly. We want a mysterious, luring vibe for the character, and Antonia portrays this very nicely.

In the music video, she will play the part of a mysterious, alluring woman, stringing the cameraperson along, while encapsulating the audience's interest. In a way, the music video will present a relationship between the person behind the camera, and Antonia. Antonia is leading on her "victim" who is in love with her and would follow her anywhere, using him to her advantage, all while having no true intention of actually pursuing a relationship with him. It shows a one-sided love, which is keeping the "victim" trapped under her spell.

For the costume, we want to have her wearing a short summery dress, to make her seem innocent at first glance. However as the video plays and the lyrics are made clear,it is seen that she is actually fully aware of her power over the "victim", and that appearances can be deceiving. For the costume we are considering this dress from Zara:

Because we want to film in cloudy weather, we feel like this shade of green will offer a nice contrast to the grey of the sky, without being too bright and jarring, but still offering an innocent, childlike feel. The polka dots and frills at the bottom even further accentuate this

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