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  • Ana Muresan

9// major task- after effects

After I pieced all the videos together in a way where we were happy with how the video looked. I started to colour correct. This is a completely new concept for me and I never did it before. I watched a couple tutorials about colour correcting and applied what I learned to the music video to the best of my ability.

Generally, we focused a lot on the white balance - because some shots were warmer while others were cooler. I used the eye dropper white balance tool that premiere pro has mostly, but where necessary I adjusted the white balance manually.

After all the shots were even and the same level off warmth, I started to experiment and play with the filters and colour options. I used the "lumetri colour" window to play and adjust the brightness, exposure, contrast, highlights, whites, blacks etc. I also played a little with the colour wheels for highlights and shadows (adding hues to shadows and highlights).

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