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  • Ana Muresan

2//minor task- digipak development

Because we already had the photo for the digipak picked out from the photoshoot, we didn't have to waste time on choosing a suitable photo.

Anto and Vanessa helped me with brainstorming ideas for overlays and textures, while I did the practical work, editing the photo and transforming it into a beautiful representation of our visions using Adobe Illustrator.

I firstly made some small edits to the photo, cropping out small defects, and making sure that everything was in the right place and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I made some small changes to the exposure and contrast of the photo, as well as messed a bit with the highlights and shadows.

We knew we wanted some overlays, however it took a while to match the colour and effect to something we all agreed with and liked. In the end we agreed on a purple shade, as even though it has a high contrast to the green, we wanted to spice things up a little and make it a little more exciting and interesting for the viewer to look at. When we listened to the song, we all thought of the colour purple, and correlated it with the vibe that it transmits, which is why we decided to try it, and it ended up working perfectly with the image.

Because Melanie sings about going in circles on the carousel in her song, we thought it would be a cool idea to somehow incorporate circles into the cover as well. I was able to overlay an interesting spiral over most of the image which adds even more layers of dimension and texture. The font wasn't very difficult to choose, and we all agreed on white for the colour, as we wanted it to stand out from all of the colours and details of the imagery in the background. The font is bold, and playful, matching the image as well as the song.

For the back cover, we decided not to use another photo of the model, but rather to have an illustration of a carousel on a cloudy purple background. We knew we wanted to do purple, because as a team we associate this song with this colour, and because we used purple accents on the front cover, we wanted to have a smooth transition between the two covers, and have them correlate to one another. We also placed the quote which we found earlier in the research and planning process, and used a very playful, childish looking font for it. The main focus on the back cover is an illustration of a carousel, which is also something which we found when we were still in the research and planing process.

Overall, the creation of the digipak was a pretty smooth process, with only some small blocks of creativity at small aspects. We all put effort into the brainstorming process

Here are some screenshots of the editing process:



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