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  • Ana Muresan

2//Identifying the Target Audience

After our analysis of various media products, we decided to create a questionnaire in order to identify a basic target audience. We kept the questions pretty basic, as to not overwhelm people, and try to get as many answers as possible. These are the questions which we included.

1. How old are you?

  • >10

  • 11-14

  • 15-18

  • 19-30

  • 30-50

  • 50+

2. What is your gender?

  • female

  • male

  • Other______

3. Do you enjoy watching music videos?

  • Yes

  • Sometimes

  • No

4. What genres do you listen to the most?

  • Pop

  • Rock

  • Hip Hop

  • R&B

  • Country

  • Metal

  • Electronic

  • Techno

  • Country

  • Rap

  • Manele

  • Other______

5. What kind of music video do you prefer?

  • A strong storyline, like a mini movie

  • Montage format with random clips

  • Clips of band or artist performing

  • One which includes lyrics

6. Do you have a favourite music video? (specify song and artist)

  • ____________________

7. Where do you watch music videos?

  • Youtube

  • Other_______

8. Do you consider yourself a(n)

  • Explorer (you search for discovery and new sensations)

  • Resigned (you have constant values, you celebrate the past, you aim for survival)

  • Succeeder (need to get to the top, seeking control and prestige)

  • Struggler (you live for today, you seek escape)

  • Aspirer (status and image count)

  • Reformer (“Don’t tell me what to do or think”, anti-materialistic, intellectual)

  • Mainstream (daily routine is fundamental, you need security)

-We included the first two questions just to get a basic idea of the characteristics of my target audience. We then asked questions about favourite genres of music, as well as any favourite music videos which they may have. These are basic questions, however we believe that they will provide us enough information to understand the basis of what we should create in terms of a music video.

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