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  • Ana Muresan

10//Major Task - Calendar/Timeline/ Call Sheets

As a team, we decided that the best time to film will be during the easter holiday, as we will have a lot of time on our hands and we will have plenty of opportunities to meet up and work. We are considering the 18th of April, as it is a day when we're all free and we want to be able to finish filming in one day so that we can have a simplified and streamlined process.

After filming we want to get together for two or three days and finalise editing, as well as the blog posts documenting the process.

For easier and more direct communication, we created an instagram group where we helped each other, gave feedback, debated and resolved issues regarding this project. Having a group also helped keep us organised and motivated us because we could see the other ones working.

And of course, having a group made us responsible for the sake of the other team members to do our work and keep to our responsibilities, as well as making it way easier to establish plans and meet-ups

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